Aventure Malgache

Aventure Malgache 1944 is a short British propaganda film in French directed by Alfred Hitchcock for the British Ministry of Information. The title means Malagasy Adventure in English.

Paul Clarus, a French actor played by Paul Clarus is chatting with his fellow actors the Molire Players as they put on their makeup before a performance. He reminisces about a very unpleasant Vichy official, the Chef de la Sret, Paul Bonifas that he knew when he was part of the Resistance on the island of Madagascar during the Second World War. The events on Madagascar are shown in flashback.Paul Clarus pretended to be loyal to the Vichy official, while he simultaneously worked as the head of the Resistance movement. He ran an illegal proResistance radio station Madagascar Libre, and helped arrange numerous boats to take loyal Frenchmen out of the island to safety. Finally when the Vichy government falls, we see that the Vichy official is nothing but a turncoat in his office he rapidly replaces a portrait of Marshal Philippe Ptain with a portrait of Queen Victoria, and he changes his bottle of Vichy water for bottles of Scotch and soda water. ........

Source: Wikipedia